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Project Creation: “Dawn on Pyther"
by: |
Jerry Lucky |
Genre: |
Progressive Metal |
Country: |
Portugal |
Length: |
77:00 |
Date: |
11/20/07 |
Members: |
Hugo Flores - Vocals, Electric
and Acoustic Guitars, Bass Guitars, Synthesizers and samples,
additional drum arrangements, Sitar and 12 string emulation
Linx /Zara Quiroga/Paulo Pacheco/
Alda Reis - Lead Vocals |
Vasco Patrício - Guitars |
Davis Raborn - Acoustic Drums |
Paulo Chagas - Saxophone, Flutes,
Ocarina |
Fred Lessing - Miscellaneous baroque
recorders, Ethnic flute, 12 string guitar, Classical guitar,
Angklung, Percussion, Chimes, Bells |
Shawn Gordon
- Synth solos |
Carlos Mateus - Additional Lyrics
Listing: |
1.)- The Dawn on Phyter
(9:58) |
9.)-Voyage of the Dragonfly (9:46)
2.)-Flying Thoughts (9:27) |
10.)-The Dusk on Pyther
(6:05) |
3.)-I Am (7:15) |
4.)- Dragonfly Garden
(6:44) |
5.)-The Voice of Cheops
(9:51) |
6.)-Intermission (1:57) |
7.)-Sons of the Stars (6:11) |
8.)-Growing Feeling (8:54) |
One of the neat things about the progressive rock genre
is that there are no idea’s too big to tackle. In many respects
just like opera’s were the big stage production of their day,
so concept prog albums are the big productions of our day.
And just like with operas, the bigger the better in some cases.
At least that’s the approach taken by Project Creation and
the new release entitled Dawn on Pyther. Similar in style
to their 2005 release The Floating World, Dawn on Pyther picks
up the story where the first left off. It’s quite a complex
story but suffice to say it involves the repopulation of new
worlds with humans and dragonflies with ancient Egyptian influences.
There’s more to it than that, but you’ll have to read the
lyrics. Again musically I would classify this as EPIC-HEAVY-Symphonic,
with plenty of double kick-drum and heavy guitars. What keeps
this from simply sounding like prog-metal is that the core
of the songs are very symphonic with many outside influences
such as classical and Celtic. When the guitar and drums settle
down the music is very symphonic and takes a much softer,
more intricate tone. But let me be clear, there are 10 tracks
here, and half of them are around 10-minutes long so the intensity
of this disc is high. On a scale of 1-to-10 there are many
times where this is an 11. It should be pointed out that there
are many softer, mellower moments that connect elements of
the story but one comes away from this disc remembering more
of the aggression than the pastoral. Just as on the previous
disc, mastermind and project driver Hugo Flores has surrounded
himself with many of the same individuals, a cast of nine
players and vocalists that each performs their instrumental
or vocal magic to propel the story along. Project Creation
features the work of Flores on everything from vocals to guitars
to keyboards to sitars and he is ably assisted by Paulo Chagas
(sax, flute), Davis Raborn (drums), Vasco Patricio (guitar
solos) and Linx, Zara Quiroga and Alda Reis (vocals). The
musical influences drift all over the map but are dominated
by bits of folk, classical, Celtic and space-rock, although
the predominant feel always comes back to a dramatic, intensely
lush orchestration with huge swells of music. Dawn on Pyther
is certainly a worthy follow-up to The Floating World. Project
Creation has developed a sound and style under the guidance
of Hugo Flores that will appeal to fans of symphonic prog
as well as fans of symphonic metal. That’s a wide swath. Seems
to me there’s a built in audience for the music of Project
Creation. Now go get it.
Release Dates