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“American Swing”
Taylor Carlson
Studio: Magnolia
Release Date:
Special Features:

Deleted scenes


American Swing is directed by Jon Hart and Matthew Kaufman. ***

American Swing is a look at Larry Levenson and Plato's Retreat, a swingers club run by Levenson in New York City. In the 70s, Levenson's club made him into one of the most recognized men in the city, due to his ability to give people a place where they could go for their sexual needs. The doc explores Levenson and his club through footage and interviews with those who have studied him and know him best. ***

While American Swing doesn't exactly bring anything new to the world of documentaries, it's the sheer subject matter than sucked this reviewer in. Levenson and Plato's Retreat are some of the most interesting subjects of a documentary that I have ever seen. Being born after the 70s, I wasn't aware of him or what he provided to the city, so this was an enlightening view for me. If someone had attempted in this day and age what Levenson did 3 decades ago, there is no question that that person would quickly come under fire. At 80 minutes (which seems short at first glance), the film does drag a bit. But overall it's a compelling story of one of America's most interesting stories of the last few decades. ---

Image And Sound:

As a documentary, American Swing's video comes from various sources of differing quality. All things considered, though, every bit of footage presented here looks just fine. There are no major anomalies that detract from the picture quality - just don't over-expect. This IS a documentary, after all. Audio is fine, though the music tends to be the most emphasized thing in the mix.

Special Features:

About half an hour's worth of deleted scenes are included on the disc. If you can't get enough of the info explored in the main feature, these extra scenes will add to your knowledge, and continue to entertain.

Final Words:

This is a fantastic documentary with a brilliant story to tell, even if the film does drag a bit. If you're at all a fan of documentary films or what Levenson was trying to do, American Swing comes highly recommended.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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