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“Baby on Board"-{Bluray}
Taylor Carlson
Studio: E1 Entertainment
Release Date:
Special Features:

Commentary, Photo Gallery, Trailer


Brian Herzlinger directs Baby on Board. The film stars Heather Graham, John Corbett, and Katie Finneran. The film was released direct-to-video. ***

Baby on Board is the story of a woman who is a rising star with a cosmetics company – but an unexpected accident while pitching a new perfume causes her to discover she has become pregnant. It isn’t long before she is in an ongoing conflict with her love interest, and two unmarried friends of theirs take their own sides in the conflict, and all hell breaks loose in this circle of friends. ***

This was released direct-to-video for a reason. Trust me. ***

Sometimes a movie comes along that is so horrible, so poorly-written and directed, so outright terrible in every way, it makes you ponder the question “how did this get made?” Baby on Board is not only the worst film I have seen all year, it also sets a new low for the comedy genre – a genre this reviewer didn’t think could sink much lower. Swapping out genuine laughs for vulgarity and disgusting, crude humor is no way to make a movie. That’s called taking the easy way out. The subject matter here could easily have been made into a genuine romantic comedy with a heart. Instead, we have an hour-and-a-half cavalcade of toilet humor that feels like it was thrown together hurriedly with no regard for anything funny in the least. Knocked Up this ain’t. ***

The writing is terrible. The acting and direction bland. The level of humor ridiculously juvenile and immature. It’s one of the worst movies I have ever seen, and that’s saying a lot. If it’s romantic comedy you’re seeking, there are many better options out there. I seriously don’t know what would be more painful – pregnancy itself, or sitting through this movie again. ---

Image and Sound:

This Blu-Ray transfer is not going to win any awards, but it’s a competent effort and looks a lot better than other similar movies on Blu do. Some colors and light sources seem a bit overblown, and fine object detail isn’t the best due to a lot of the images looking a bit on the soft side. Still, all things considered, there aren’t any flaws that are absolute deal breakers. It’s a good transfer, nothing less and nothing more. Audio is like the video – competent but nothing more. It’s good audio, but not a massive improvement over the sound you’d hear on a standard DVD.

Special Features:

Nothing outside of a bland commentary track, photo gallery, and the film’s original theatrical trailer. Even if you were a fan of the movie, you’ll wish there was more material here.

Final Words:

Just when you thought the comedy genre couldn’t sink any lower than it already have, Baby on Board comes along. Why the writers thought this would pass for humorous I have no idea. To truly see how bad and laden with crude, unfunny and immature humor this film is, you’d have to sit through it. But don’t waste the time. That’s 90 minutes you can never get back.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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