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“Boondock Saints"- (Blu-Ray)
Taylor Carlson
Studio: 20th Century Fox
Release Date:
Special Features:

Outtakes, Seven deleted scenes, Director's Cut seamlessly branched, theatrical trailer, Filmographies, The Boondock Saints script, Audio commentary with writer/director Troy Duffy, Audio commentary with actor Billy Conno


Boondock Saints is directed by Troy Duffy, and stars Norman Reedus, Sean Patrick Flanery, Willem Dafoe, and Billy Connolly. ***

Boondock Saints is a crime drama which follows the lifes of two fraternal twins setting out to rid Boston of the evil men operating there. As if such a mission wasn’t already difficult enough, the men are, all the while, being tracked down by an FBI agent. ***

Boondock Saints was the victim of horrible theatrical distribution and a number of scathing critical reviews – many of which stated that the film was a Tarantino rip-off. Fortunately, a decade after its bombing theatrically, the movie has built up a cult following – apparently enough to merit a Blu-Ray release. And it’s a shame the film has been so badly insulted over the years critically – it’s actually pretty damn entertaining. ***

If you’re looking for something with a lot of substance, or you’re easily offended by profane language, don’t even bother. You’re not going to enjoy this film if you fall into either of those categories. But if you like stylized action violence and aren’t traumatized by profanity and gore, you’ll have a lot of fu n here. The actors, among whom is the always-entertaining Willem Dafoe, deliver some of the best performances of their career, and are clearly having a lot of fun doing what they do best. It’s not for everyone, but certainly worth seeing at least once. ***

This package contains the theatrical and director cut versions of the film, although they are virtually identical. The director’s cut uses some gorier, more violent takes of some of the violent scenes, but really has little else to offer over its theatrical counterpart. ---

Image and Sound:

Boondock Saints is finally available in 1080p, and let me be the first to say the results don’t disappoint. The sheer amount of detail has increased substantially, but the film does manage to maintain its gritty feel all the same. The lossless audio explodes in the action sequences, and never lets up once the bullets start flying. This isn’t the best Blu-Ray transfer I’ve seen of a 10-year-old movie, but it’s certainly a worthy upgrade from the old DVD issue.

Special Features:

Basically, this Blu-Ray ports over all the features from the old Director’s Cut DVD. This includes the script, filmographies, some deleted scenes that were left out of the movie, a trailer, and a pair of commentaries – one from the film’s writer/director, and another from its star. If you’ve explored the Director’s Cut DVD inside out, there’s nothing here you haven’t seen before, but it’s still a nice handful of features. I only wish they’d thrown some HD exclusives into the mix.

Final Words:

Boondock Saints isn’t for everybody. But give it a chance, and you may be pleasantly surprised by this cult classic. It’s gory, it’s profane, and it has an attitude and style all its own.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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