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“Boston Legal"- (5)
Taylor Carlson
Studio: 20th Century Fox
Release Date:
Special Features:

Friends to the End, Untold Story, closing statement, deleted scenes with commentary


Legal dramas are nothing new. But Boston Legal broke the mold with its unique format, combining a gripping, legal dramatic feel with relevant, real-life issues including same-sex marriages and presidential elections. ***

Boston Legal stars William Shatner (Star Trek, Rescue 911) and James Spader (Sex Lies And Videotape.) The two legal eagles are joined by an equally-talented supporting cast that includes Candice Bergen and John Larroquette. From scenes that are light-hearted and comical, right down to gripping, dramatic plotlines, these actors have all the bases covered and then some. Additionally, the show features a wealth of guest stars. ***

This set consists of 4 discs and 13 episodes. This was the show’s final season, so this will be the last box set of seasons released by Fox. It was a shame to see the show leave the air, its mix of talented actors and relevant issue-based episodes made it one of the best shows of its kind in years. Still, probably better that the show ended during its prime rather than dragging on for endless seasons and jumping the shark. All things considered though, it’s a show I’m going to miss. Shatner and Spader were terrific here. ---

Image and Sound:

All in all, Boston Legal looks better than most TV shows do on a home video format. The image is bright and clear, and free of any major negative anomalies. Audio gets the job done just as well, though as you’d expect from a legal drama, it’s mostly dialogue-driven. ---

Special Features:

A few minor featurettes on the disc. Quite a few deleted scenes get included here, as well as some featurettes in regard to the cast and crew’s views on this being the show’s last season. You’ll wish there were more bonuses, but all things considered, this is a good set of supplements.

Final Words:

It’s disappointing to see Boston Legal leave the airwaves, as this was easily William Shatner’s finest role since his days as Captain Kirk on the original Star Trek. But at long last, we have the final season on DVD. Strongly recommended to any fan!


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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