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“Braveheart” {Blu-ray}
Wayne Klein
Studio: Paramount
Release Date:
Special Features:

“Braveheart: A Look Back”, “The Writer’s Journey”, “Tales of William Wallace”, “Smithfield: Medieval Killing Fields”, “Dimensional Battlefields of the Scottish Rebellion”, “Braveheart Timelines”


Recalling the epic, sweeping grandeur of the historical epics that Hollywood seemed to churn out during the 50’s and 60’s, “Braveheart” isn’t a perfect film but it does have its moments. Based on the legend of William Wallace (Gibson) the son of a farmer who ends up commanding an army of other commoners in Scotland against the oppressive reign of the English King Edward the Longshanks, Wallace inspires revolt after Longshanks gives English Lords the right to sleep with brides on their wedding night. Wallace and his group of locals wipe out the English presence and Longshanks responds by trying to crush the revolt. ***

What hobbles “Braveheart” is the lack of a director with David Lean’s vision. While “Braveheart” has the “feel” of a classic epic film it lacks the dramatic heft of it. Gibson does get a lot right here however getting some truly inspired performances from the late Patrick McGoohan, Brendan Gleeson and others by giving them just enough rope as performers to make them gaudily entertaining. Gibson does put together an entertaining package and while very violent a lot of that violence is implied via clever film editing (although a lot of it is STILL very visible in the film). ***

“Braveheart” deservedly won many Academy Awards (although one could question if the film deserved the 5 it did win)and Paramount has elected to release this film along with “Gladiator” on Blu-ray as part of their Sapphire series. While I wouldn’t classify it as a flawless film it is hugely entertaining, moving and powerful. ---

Image & Sound:

In contrast to the poor HD master used for “Gladiator”, “Braveheart” looks marvelous with a wonderfully rich transfer accurately capturing the color and flesh tones of the film. Detail is remarkably sharp throughout and edge enhancement is minimal throughout the film. ***

Audio sounds wonderful with a deep, rich Dolby TrueHD presentation that will bury you in the action of the film. ---

Special Features:

The bulk of the extras from the deluxe DVD edition a short while back arrive intact for this special edition. The commentary track with Gibson remains as do a number of featurettes what’s interesting is what’s missing—the excellent documentary on the making of the film as well as the “A Filmmaker’s Passion” focusing on Gibson’s struggle to make the film. There are other items missing as well but these featurettes and the documentary are replaced by “Braveheart: A Look Back” which is presented in HD which running roughly the same time as the original documentary. I suspect that Paramount though doing a new documentary would also help sell the Blu-ray for fans that purchased the deluxe DVD from a couple of years back. They both cover much of the same ground. ***

“Tales of William Wallace” and “A Writer’s Journey” both arrive in tact as well nicely supplemented by “Braveheart Timelines” an interactive piece that compares the historical events to the film. Also new to this set is “Smithfield: Medieval Killing Fields” a 30 minute featurette about the real location and “Dimensional Battlefields of the Scottish Rebellion” giving us an idea visually as to how the two military forces might have interacted on the field of battle. --

Final Words:

Although it doesn’t quite have the epic scope or vision of “Lawrence of Arabia” or “Bridge on the River Kwai”, Gibson creates a film that has the look and feel of a historical epic film. He does a credible job of setting up the action but, more importantly, does a terrific job of directing a brilliant cast. *** Paramount has done a marvelous job with the transfer and ported over the majority of the most important special features from the previous edition.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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