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“Earth Final Conflict"- (Season One)
Taylor Carlson
Studio: Universal
Release Date:
Special Features:

Intro, commentaries, featurettes


Earth Final Conflict is a science fiction series that premiered in 1997, with a pilot episode written by Gene Roddenberry – the creator of Star Trek. The pilot was written by Roddenberry earlier in the decade, just prior to his death. His son Eugene worked on20the series, and when it premiered, due to its being created by the man who brought us the most famous science fiction franchise of all time, viewers wondered if this would be “the next Star Trek.” ***

Obviously, that never came to be. However, seeing as how the show lasted for five seasons, there is no denying that it was at least a marginal success. With intriguing plotlines and interesting characters, human and non-human alike, the show didn’t fail to entertain while it was on the air. ***

In the not-so-distant future, Earth has made contact with an alien race. These aliens apparently come in peace – during a relatively-short period of communication with humanity, they have cured disease and ended hunger. However, plenty of humans are suspicious, in that they believe the aliens may just be trying to win over the planet in an effort to learn their secrets and weaknesses. ***

Sure, the show is a bit on the uneven side at times, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a great one. The characters are interesting, the writing and direction always solid, and the show never boring or dull. There’s not an uninteresting moment in the whole series. And this is where it all began. No fan of science fiction will want to overlook this little gem.

Image and Sound:

Universal pulled out all the stops and made this set the ideal home video release of the show. The image is bright and clear throughout, free of any major print damage or dirt. From start to finish these episodes look fantastic, with solid colors and black levels. The sound holds up just as well – everything from voices to sound effects, and even the musical score, all sound incredible. The set is far above average for a TV show on DVD. Universal gets a big thumbs up here for a job well done.

Special Features:

Universal also scores major points for not making this a bare-bones release. The disc includes some commentaries and a series intro, both of which are hosted by Eugene “Rod” Roddenberry (Gene’s son, who worked on the show.) He is joined by other cast and crew members on the commentary tracks. Additionally, two featurettes appear on the disc – one that is a “behind the scenes” feature, and the other that focuses on the Roddenberry family and their contributions to the series and science fiction. Any fan of the series will learn a lot of interesting stuff here.

Final Words:

Ultimately, Earth Final Contact is a great show, it’s just a shame Gene Roddenberry didn’t live to see the finished product. In the end, it’s a terrific series that I doubt any fan of science fiction will be disappointed in. And Universal has given the show absolutely incredible treatment on DVD. As such, this set comes highly recommended.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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