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“Ghosts of Girlfriends Past”-(Chris)
Chris Pandolfi
Studio: New Line / Warner
Release Date:
Special Features:

See Below


So it has come to this, has it? Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” reinterpreted as a romantic comedy. I don’t know--something about this doesn’t sit well with me. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that “A Christmas Carol” is a tale of spiritual and emotional redemption, in part about accepting Christmas as a holiday but more so about opening yourself up to love and happiness. ***

“Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” pretends to be those things, but at its core, it’s really nothing more than a dime-a-dozen fable about how to get the girl. In all likelihood, this would have been acceptable had the filmmakers not opted for a modernized adaptation of Dickens’ story. I’ve seen many romantic comedies, and since they all tell the exact same story, recommending them comes down which has the most style and the best overall structure. “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” falls short in both categories. ***

In this version of the story, money lender Ebenezer Scrooge is changed to photographer Conner Mead (Matthew McConaughey), and instead of the Christmas season, he finds fault with anything relating to love and lasting relationships. So strongly does he despise these concepts that he openly lambasts his brother, Paul (Breckin Meyer), who’s only one day away from tying the knot with his high-strung fiancée, Sandra (Lacey Chabert). ***

After making everyone feel like a loser during the rehearsal dinner, Conner steps into the bathroom and has an encounter with the ghost of his uncle, Wayne (Michael Douglas), who spent his adult life going from one woman to the next without any regard for their feelings. Now that he’s dead, he wants Conner to change his ways so as not to end up alone and miserable. With any luck, he’ll finally come around and get back together with his childhood sweetheart, Jenny Perotti (Jennifer Garner), who Conner hurt many years ago. ***

Unlike Jacob Marley, Uncle Wayne is not shackled by a chain forged from his mortal acts of greed; the only prop we see him with is a glass of scotch (or bourbon, or whiskey, or whatever), which isn’t the most convincing sign that his soul is trapped in purgatory. ***

Uncle Wayne tells Conner pretty much the exact same thing Jacob Marley says to Scrooge: “You will be haunted by three Spirits. Without their visits, you cannot hope to shun the path I tread.” Here enters the Ghost of Girlfriends Past (Emma Stone), who takes Conner back in time to see what turned him into such a cold-hearted man. ***

The strange thing is, this “ghost” technically isn’t dead--she’s like the ectoplasmic echo of a geeky sixteen-year-old girl named Allison Vandermeersh, who Conner had sex with when he was only a teenager back in the 1980s. Whatever happened to Allison over the years is something the film never bothers to address, but regardless, her “ghost” forces Conner to relive many experiences, none more important than the ones that included Jenny. ***

It isn’t long before Conner meets the Ghost of Girlfriends Present, another manifestation of a woman who isn’t actually dead. This time, it’s Conner’s assistant, Melanie (Noureen DeWulf)--they never actually dated, but as she tells him, she’s the closest there is to a consistent woman in his life. Soon afterwards, he meets the Ghost of Girlfriends Yet to Come, who looks not like a personification of death but like a shrouded angel. She doesn’t say a word, but she knows how to get a point across. ***

Intertwined with all this is a subplot involving a secret Paul has been keeping from Sandra, one that a trio of desperate man-seekers has found out about. This, naturally, plays a big part in Conner’s rehabilitation, which is just as inevitable as Scrooge’s epiphany in “A Christmas Carol.” But the problem here has nothing to do with inevitability; Dickens’ story is simply not suitable material for a romantic comedy. ***

The ultimate message “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” sends is that, with just a few different moves, you’ll end up winning the girl you were meant to win. I find this incredibly shallow, insensitive, and worst of all, unromantic. There’s no point in adapting Dickens’ story if the goal is to follow the classic formula of Boy Gets Girl, Boy Loses Girl, Boy Gets Girl Back. ***

Special Features:

Blu-ray- Special Features:Behind The Story · RECREATING THE PAST, IMAGINING THE FUTURE · IT’S ALL ABOUT CONNOR (aka IT’S ALL ABOUT MATTHEW) · THE LEGENDS, THE LESSONS AND THE LADIES,ADDITIONAL SCENES · Original Opening · Exiting The Studio · The Bridesmaids Toast · Uncle Wayne Gives Advice – Extended Scene,BD LIVE (Basic) MEDIA CENTER · A SEA OF WOMEN-"A Sea of Women" Exclusive footage of the infamous Infiniti room filled hundreds of women

Bonus Digital Copy of the film

Final Words:

Some may argue that “A Christmas Carol” in and of itself has been adapted far too many times, and therefore its message is just as tired as the one in this film. That may be true, but at the very least, “A Christmas Carol” is repeatedly sending a good message; so good, in fact, that I believe we should continue to hear it. “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past,” however, repeats a message that’s both unrealistic and narrow-minded, and that doesn’t do anything for anyone. Ultimately, I can think of no good reason for people to see this movie. I have a feeling that Charles Dickens would do much more than turn in his grave if they knew what was done with his story.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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