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“Gran Torino”-(Chris's Review)-{Standard & Blu-ray Edition}

Chris Pandolfi

{Blu-ray} Segments:(Taylor Carlson)

Studio: Warner Bros.
Release Date:
Special Features:

2 feautrettes


Can Clint Eastwood go wrong? After striking gold in October of 2008 with the brilliant “Changeling,” he releases “Gran Torino” in December, another of the year’s best films. What a masterful storyteller Eastwood is, so focused on creating that perfect balance between story and character. He doesn’t disappoint with “Gran Torino,” a nearly flawless film that gives us characters we believe in and a story so compelling that it’s virtually impossible to not be absorbed by it. ***

What we have here is a cross-generational, cross-cultural story about people who can learn so much from each other despite being different. It’s about regret, sadness, redemption, and growth, which isn’t to say that it’s conventional or archetypal; Eastwood plays a contemporary version of a Wise Old Man, someone who draws on life experience to teach an undeveloped youth. What’s unique is that, regardless of what life has taught him, this Wise Old Man still has a lot to learn. ***

He has a name, of course: Retired Ford factory worker Walt Kowalski. As a veteran of the Korean War, Kowalski has seen and done a lot of things he wishes he hadn’t. He’s bitter, antisocial, and politically incorrect. After his wife’s funeral, we discover that he doesn’t get along too well with his sons, specifically Mitch (Brian Haley) and his wife, Karen (Geraldine Hughes), who seem to believe that his age automatically makes him codependent and eligible for a spot in a retirement home. ***

His grandchildren don’t appreciate him one bit; the granddaughter only wants his stuff, hand-me-downs to take with her to school. They don’t make things easy for him, but then again, he doesn’t make things easy for them, either. It’s a vicious cycle of resentment and miscommunication. ***

As this is being established, we’re introduced to a teenage boy named Thao (Bee Vang), who lives next door to Kowalski with his large Hmong family. He’s the black sheep of his deeply traditional family, always doing chores that the women are supposed to do. Having no direction in life, he’s pressured by his cousin, nicknamed Spider (Doua Moua), to join his neighborhood gang. ***

As an act of initiation, Thao must sneak into Kowalski’s garage and steal his most prized possession: A 1972 Gran Torino. The attempt backfires. Some time later, Spider arrives with his posse and tries to abduct Thao. The resulting scuffle is broken up when Kowalski points his shotgun at the gang members and demand they get off his lawn. ***

Within no time at all, Kowalski’s front steps are covered with tokens of appreciation from Thao’s family, none of which go appreciated. But then Kowalski gets to know Thao’s sister, Sue (Ahney Her), a remarkably independent young woman. Quick-witted and outgoing, she takes Kowalski’s racial slurs in stride, believing that a good man lies behind the disgruntled façade. As he spends more time with Sue and her family, he begins to realize that he has more in common with them that with his own family, which, in all likelihood, scares him more than it brings him comfort. ***

When Thao formally apologizes for trying to steal Kowalski’s Gran Torino, Kowalski puts him to work doing various chores, like repainting a house and fixing gutters. Hardly a scene goes by when he isn’t verbally berating Thao, although it’s obvious from the start that he’s doing it to toughen him up, to make him believe that his life has a purpose and that he should actively be trying to find it. ***

Part of this involves getting Thao to talk like a man. There’s a priceless scene in which Kowalski brings Thao to a barber, who has been sharing insults with Kowalski for a number of years. Afterwards, Kowalski arranges for Thao to work at a construction site; the boss, as it turns out, is the perfect man for Thao to test his new vocabulary on. ***

What Kowalski doesn’t realize is that he’s learning just as much from Thao, especially in matters of caring for other people. Eventually, Kowalski comes to the conclusion that Thao and his family will never be at peace so long as Spider and his gang are around. ***

The film’s most fascinating character is Father Janovich (Christopher Carley), a twenty-seven year old priest who promised Kowalski’s wife that he’d look after him upon her death and get him to confess. Initially, Kowalski wants nothing to do with Janovich, who gives sermons on matters of life and death yet has no real idea what it means to face your own mortality. ***

Kowalski knows--he served his country in Korea. “What do you know about life?” Janovich calmly asks. “Well,” says Kowalski, “I survived the war. I got married and had a family.” There’s absolutely no joy in his voice when he says this. Gradually, he begins to appreciate Janovich; he may not have all the answers, but at least he’s willing to listen. ***

The brilliance of this movie comes not from the development of the characters, but from the way the characters interact with one another. Virtually no one is on friendly terms at the start, but by the end, there’s an understated feeling that respect has been earned on all sides. Kowalski refers to Thao as his friend only once, and while it was nice to actually hear it, it still didn’t come as a surprise given everything that had been leading to that moment. At a certain point, you just knew how Kowalski felt. ***

{Blu-ray} Edition:(Taylor Carlson)

Gran Torino's 1080p transfer is an excellent one. You'll be delighted to know that the film looks great on Blu-Ray. The film was shot with a fairly dull color scheme, which was obviously the intention of the filmmakers. Detail is strong throughout, and the colors, as they are, are rendered accurately. The grain level is never overly distracting, either. My only major complaint is that a few shots veer a bit toward the softer-looking side. That minor issue aside, Gran Torino looks incredible on Blu-Ray. Sound: The lossless audio on this Blu-Ray disc is disappointing. The dialogue makes up most of the film's sound, and even at times I had difficulty making it out at a high volume. Likewise, there are plenty of scenes that would have been great for lossless audio, many of which involving vehicles, but even these scenes disappoint. Ultimately, the lossless audio on this disc falls flat of the expectations I have for such tracks, and it really isn't that much of an improvement over the standard DVD's audio quality.

Special Features:

Only two featurettes are included on this DVD--“Manning the Wheel” and “Gran Torino: More Than a Car.” There are two DVDs available, one presented in its original 2.40:1 widescreen format and the other presented in the 1.33:1 full screen format. Both versions feature Dolby 5.1 Digital sound. ***

{Blu-ray} Edition:(Taylor Carlson)

The film itself is excellent, and it's disappointing to see that only a small amount of features made it onto this Blu-Ray. Fortunately, what little gets included IS in high definition. At about 20 minutes, The Eastwood Way is the longest of the featurettes. The director/star discusses the film and getting it made, as well as the role the Hmong people played in it. The aptly-titled Manning the Wheel deals with men's obsession with cars in general, and it's probably the most-generic, least-interesting of the few featurettes included here. Rounding things out is Gran Torino - More Than A Car, another fairly-generic featurette that deals with the car's place in society. Ultimately, apart from The Eastwood Way, these featurettes are generic and fairly uninteresting. It makes this reviewer wonder if a double-dip is around the corner.

Final Words:

“Gran Torino” is such a wonderful film, so carefully structured, so perfectly cast, so rewarding for the audience. To make just one great film in a year is the mark of real talent. But to make two great films in the same year, now that’s the work of genius.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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