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"Knowing" (Blu-ray)-(Wayne)
Wayne Klein
Studio: Summit
Release Date:
Special Features:

Commentary by director Alex Proyas, making of featurette, featurette on apocalyptic beliefs, societies


Faith is subjective. One person's faith is someone else's superstition. Is the world filled with random chance or is everything predetermined? Alex Proyas' underrated film "Knowing" tackels a lot of difficult questions related to themes and questions in a creepy science fiction disaster movie.The film spirals out of Proyas' control at the conclusion but until then it's a riveting thriller with a surprisingly religious subtext (if you choose to see it that way)that plays into the themes of the film. While those who aren't religious may be put off by the film, I'd suggest approaching it with an open mind as the film is open to interepretion (listen to Proyas' commentary track and don't be too literal minded and you may enjoy the film). The ex machina deus conculsion may be a bit hard for many people to swallow but Proyas does set it up fairly clearly. ***


John Koestler (Nicholas Cage)believes that life consists of random events strung together until his son Caleb receives a note from a time capsule buried fifty years before suggesting otherwise. It seems that the list made up of a series of what appear to be random numbers aren't random at all but predict a series of disasters. Koestler becomes obsessed with trying to try and prevent these tragic things from occurring but ends up uncovering a much scarier truth. "Knowing" got slammed by critics when it was released. One of the few film critics to pick up on the film was Roger Ebert and his observations on the film are on target. Maybe the timing of the film impacted the critical reception of the film or they saw a different film from what I saw; I found Alex Proyas' brilliantly realized film a fascinating examination of faith and the trials we face each and every day. The film has two briliant set pieces but that are visuall stunning. Whether or not you buy into the story isn't important--just go along for the ride if you don't. "Knowing" may be a popcorn thriller but it's one that deals with some important questions. It may come up short with its explaination and resolution but you have to give director Proyas props for trying.


The last third of the film spirals out of Proyas control but everything that he sets up still manages to pay off. Whether or not you buy into the ending of the film (which admittedly for some will appear to come out of left field much as the ending for "The Prestige" seemed to as well), the shift in tone and genre will depend on if Proyas has sucked you into the story. ---

Image & Sound:

The Blu-ray looks marvelous with a richly detailed image. The first film that Proyas has shot on digital video the film has rich inky blacks and the autumn color scheme works for the film. It's accurately captured well here. The DVD probably looks quite good as well but I haven't seen. ***

Audio sounds superb with a very active 5.1 Lossless DTS soundtrack nicely highlight the wonderfully suspenseful music by Marco Beltran. --

Special Features:

The extras are minimal but good--we get an intelligent observant commentary track by director Alex Proyas and an unidentified member of the production team. We also get a standard "making-of" featurette as well as a very good featurette discussing apocalyptic beliefs throughout our history. A bit "lite" on the extras, it would have been nice to include a featurette focusing on the two key CGI disaster sequences in the film as well as a discussion on what inspired the original screenwriter to conjure up this fantasy thriller. ---

Final Words:

"Knowing" is a suspensful, well made flawed thriller and while it isn't perfect, it's a solid thriller and very entertaining.What lifts Proyas' film from the average disaster movie are the hard questions about faith, belief systems are the strong performances and the two major set pieces in the film. Proyas tackles themes of faith in our chaotic universe which is a difficult and often daunting theme in today's films. Proyas' film has so many ideas floating around as subtext in this science fiction thriller that it almost overwhelms the material. Whether or not you buy into the last quarter of the movie where we have a shift in genres. Whether or not you buy into the conclusion will depend on how much the story draws you in. Proyas makes a number of interesting allusions to Arthur C. Clarke's novel Childhood's End as well as our obsession with apocalpytic themes. .


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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