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“Kramer vs. Kramer”-{Blu-Ray}
Wayne Klein
Studio: Sony Home Video
Release Date:
Special Features:



Separation of a family can devastate a child and also have a similar impact on the parents even as they are involved in the process. It under minds the foundation of a family creating a creaky structure that stands or falls based on the relationship between those left behind. In the case of “Kramer vs. Kramer” when Joanna (Meryl Streep) leaves Ted (Dustin Hoffman) and her Billy because she has become nothing more than the role in her marriage, Ted and Billy find themselves suddenly dependent on each other for their survival in the little lifeboat that remains after Ted’s marriage sinks. ***

Director/writer Robert Benton crafts a film that is surprisingly still relevant (times may change but people and their complicated relationships don’t)and although it tends to use Joanna as the villain of the piece (Ted’s position in advertising makes his wife and son complete strangers with nothing in common with them any longer. Ironically, this lack of work/life balance continues to dog Americans as companies profess that they believe in it but hypocritically put their employees through hell if they try and achieve it). “Kramer vs. Kramer” wouldn’t be more than a domestic melodrama if not for the carefully drawn characters that Hoffman, Streep and the other fine actors in the film give their characters. Benton allowed the cast to improvise and change the dialog he had written based on what felt “right” for their characters in a given scene giving the film a much more authentic and less melodramatic tone. ---

Image & Sound:

You wouldn’t think of “Kramer vs. Kramer” as a film that you would want to watch on Blu-ray but Benton and his director of photography did a fine job of using composition, shadow and colors to portray the emotional core of a scene. That core is nicely portrayed here in a sharp looking and detailed transfer that captures the fine grained look of the film. ***

Audio shouldn’t be a strong point here but, surprisingly, it’s quite good. Dialog is up front in the mix which isn’t a surprise. The audio won’t give your 7.1 or 5.1 system a work out but this isn’t designed for that either. ---

Special Features:

Aside from a documentary on the making of the film, we don’t get much in the way of extras. That’s not a surprise given how much time has passed since the film was made. I doubt that deleted scenes still exist for the film or if they do I believe that they are probably lost. ***

While the documentary is terrific I couldn’t help but feel that a commentary track with Hoffman, Streep, actress Jane Alexander and Benton would be asking too much for a film that was so pivotal for both Hoffman and Streep’s careers.

Final Words:

“Kramer vs. Kramer” looks extremely good in its first appearance on Blu-ray. Recommended.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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