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“The Last Kiss"-{Blu-ray}
Taylor Carlson
Studio: Dreamworks
Release Date:
Special Features:

Commentary, Deleted Scenes, Music Video, Featurettes, Gag Reel


The Last Kiss, first released in 2006, is directed by Tony Goldwyn. The film stars Zach Braff, Jacinda Barrett, Casey Affleck, Rachel Bilson, Blythe Danner, and Tom Wilkinson. The film is a remake of the Italian film L'ultimo Bacio, directed by Gabriele Muccino. ***

The Last Kiss revolves around a young couple planning to many, and the various friends in their life, as they move on, struggling with a variety of issues in their life – adulthood, relationships, commitment, and so forth. ***

From the summary, you would probably think of The Last Kiss as your typical romantic comedy/drama. And while I admit that it doesn’t bring a whole lot of new material to the table, what it does, it does very well. The young actors cast for these roles play their parts very well, and not a single actor or actress starring here seems miscast. It’s well-directed and paced, and while a lot of this stuff we’ve seen at the movies before, there’s also not much to fault about the picture either. All in all, I’d give it a recommendation. ---

Image and Sound:

The image quality on this Blu-Ray Disc release of the film is a healthy upgrade over the original DVD release. Clarity is improved greatly, and colors are richer. Fine object detail as increased as well. However, not all is well with this transfer. There are some moments with evident print damage and grain spiking, and some soft image moments here and there, and these issues tend to be inconsistent throughout. Still, in the long run they’re a minor complaint. The real surprise from the film comes in the form of its True HD audio track. This brings a whole new level of atmosphere into the film I certainly wasn’t expecting. All in all, the film looks and sounds pretty good in Blu, though I wish they had made more of an effort to clean up the print damage. ---

Special Features:

The bonus features here are all ported over from the DVD release and presented in standard definition (apart from the theatrical trailer, which is now in HD.) The commentary track features a wide variety of cast and crew members, and it’s interesting to hear them recounting their experiences making the movie, and their comparisons to the original Italian film that inspired this remake. Deleted scenes, a gag reel, and a music video are included as well. The deleted scenes were rightfully left out of the final movie, but will be an interesting view for any fan, just the same. Most of the remaining bonuses are just featurettes with the cast and crew recounting their experiences on making the movie. While a lot of this stuff is also explored in the commentary, it’s still going to be an interesting view for anyone who was a fan of the movie. All in all, a good collection of supplements, it’s just a shame there are no HD exclusive extras.

Final Words:

The Last Kiss doesn’t bring a whole lot new to the world of romantic comedy/dramas, but the result here is still a solid film. Not the best film of its kind, but a worthy effort nonetheless. Recommended for anyone who is a fan of these genres.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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