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“Lookin' To Get Out”
Taylor Carlson
Studio: Warner Brothers
Release Date:
Special Features:

Reunion featurette


Lookin' To Get Out is directed by Hal Ashby and stars Jon Voight, Burt Young, and Ann-Margaret. The film was originally released in 1982. This disc represents Hal Ashby's original cut of the film, which features footage not seen in the 1982 theatrical release. ***

Lookin' To Get Out follows a compulsive gambler who foolishly gambles away his winings from a recent bet to hoods. To evade the wrath of the hoods, he flees to Vegas, where he hopes to gamble some more, in an effort to pay off his debts. ***

Lookin' To Get Out is a difficult movie to review. It's clear with this film that Ashby was trying to recapture the entertainment of the long-forgotten screwball comedy genre. Sadly, the attempt is short, and it's sad to say that the critics who panned the movie were largely correct with their scathing reviews. ***

This film had a lot of good ideas going, but the end result just doesn't live up to the sum of its parts. Jon Voight is great in dramatic roles, but as he shows us here, comedic roles are not his forte. The fact that the characters are one-dimensional and not sympathetic in the least doesn't help things any. The writing and direction are sloppy and it isn't hard to say that it hasn't aged well. I applaud Warner Bros. for finding this long-lost extended version of the movie, but the movie itself just isn't that entertaining. ***

As an interesting piece of trivia, however, Angelina Jolie (Voight's daughter) makes her feature film debut here, in a brief scene near the end of the film.

Image And Sound:

Unfortunately, while Warner got their hands on this rare extended version of the movie, they didn't really take the time to clean it up. Print damage and heavy grain are aplenty throughout. For the most part, it isn't a bad looking film, but you'll wish they'd made SOME effort to clean the film up before porting it to DVD. Audio is presented in the original mono, and this track hasn't aged much better than the accompanying video.

Special Features:

Just the original trailer and a reunion featurette with the cast. The featurette is just 15 minutes long, and will leave you wanting more. Still, I found it far more interesting than the film itself.

Final Words:

This film is an interesting piece of history, and certainly worth checking out as a rental if you're into this sort of thing. But the film itself is a hit-and-miss affair, so I can't' recommend it as anything more than a rental for the curious.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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