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“The Machinist"-{Blu-ray}
Taylor Carlson
Studio: Paramount
Release Date:
Special Features:

Commentary, Manifesting the Machinist, Hiding in Plain Sight, Breaking All The Rules, Deleted Scenes


The Machinist is directed by Brad Anderson. The film stars Christian Bale (The Dark Knight), Jennifer Jason Leigh (Fast Times at Ridgemont High), John Sharian, Aitana Sánchez-GijB 3n, and Michael Ironside (Top Gun.) The film is an English language production made by a Spanish company. Music is by Roque Banos. ***

Trevor Reznik is a machinist, suffering from insomnia. Working in a dangerous environment with severe lack of sleep, he begins to question whether or not he is truly sane. As time progresses, he is visited by a co-worker no one else seems to think exists, and finds mysterious notes. It isn’t long before his madness gets the better of him, and those around him. ***

This film came out before Christian Bale was unleashed on the masses as Batman in the new Christopher Nolan series. But when you watch the Machinist, one thing becomes clear – even in this earlier role, Bale was a talented actor. He makes this movie his own from start to finish. For the duration of the film, I truly believed he was an insane insomniac. The fact that he lost a ton of weight for the role only adds to the illusion. ***

It’s nearly impossible to write a conventional review or summary of The Machinist. This is truly a film that must be seen to be appreciated – words don’t do it justice. In a world where the horror genre has gone down the crapper overnight, The Machinist stands as one of the few solid entries in t he genre. ***

As if Christian Bale wasn’t reason enough to enjoy this film, it features solid direction and a great supporting cast. Amongst the supporting cast’s members are Jennifer Jason Leigh and Michael Ironside – two great actors who, for whatever reason, never quite seem to get the credit they deserve. Working alongside Bale, they make for one hell of a movie. ***

It’s hard to describe this movie, because it’s unlike anything else out there, and obviously, I don’t want to spoil the plot. But take my word for it – t his is a great film. It’s a shame it never really got unleashed on the masses, because this is a movie unlike anything else out there. Bale steals the show in this pre-Batman role. ---

Image and Sound:

Paramount delivers a quality Blu-Ray transfer for the film. With its drab, muted color pallet, this is a movie that often looks monochromatic – obviously the film crew’s intention. The image contains a staggering amount of fine object detail, and the black levels are strong throughout. Grain is noticeable, but never at any point does it become a distraction. Lossless audio gives the film a sense of atmosphere it was so sorely lacking in earlier DVD releases, and greatly benefits this package. This is not a film that was meant to be reference quality on an HD format , but all the same it looks and sounds incredible.

Special Features:

In addition to an informative and entertaining director commentary, this disc also includes several featurettes and deleted scenes. These featurettes delve deep into the film and its creation, interviewing cast and crew alike and exploring the plot and storyline elements deeply. There’s plenty of raw footage and interviews to be experienced. The deleted scenes don’t really add anything special to the film, but they’re a nice bonus nonetheless. The package is improved greatly by the fact that most of the featurettes are in HD. ---

Final Words:

The Machinist is an underrated, masterful film that stands as one of the horror genre’s few good films of recent years – and this Blu-Ray is the best way to experience this little gem. With a great performance from Bale, solid direction, an intriguing psychological storyline, and great supporting cast, The Machinist comes highly recommended.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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