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“Marley & Me” {Blu-ray}- (Wayne's Review)
Wayne Klein
Studio: 20th Century Fox
Release Date:
Special Features:

Three featurettes on the dogs of “Marley & Me”, deleted scenes, a featurette on adopting animals, gag reel, previews, SD digital version of the film


Sometimes a dog’s life is better than it seems particularly when seen from the point-of-view of his master. “Marley & Me” finds writer John Grogan (Owen Wilson) mining the experiences of his own life with his dog Marley for his column in a Florida newspaper. Jenny (Jennifer Aniston who IMHO is totally unbelievable in her role) has the more successful career and finds herself a bit frustrated with the fact that she has to put her career on hold while raising their family. Both want the freedom that they had when they were single and the careers opportunities that their friends have available to them. The unrealistic expectation of having it all (so many people want it but end up paying for having it all in one form or another)shadows their marriage, careers and life luckily Marley provides plenty of lighter moments for them to focus on—he’s really the pivot that keeps their world turning without falling apart. Whether it be humping a dog trainers leg (Kathleen Turner gone for far too long from films IMHO) creating chaos in the house, Marley provides the comic release value for the Grogan family. ***

Make no mistake about it “Marley & Me” isn’t a great film nor is it a particularly good one but it’s entertaining and that’s the least one can ask from a film like this particularly a mainstream comedy with elements of drama. Featuring a strong supporting cast including Alan Arkin and Eric Dane, “Marley & Me” is often touching just as often as it is funny or cheesy and is a solid bit of entertainment that doesn’t require you to look deeply into your soul. --

Image & Sound:

A sharp looking, detailed transfer prevents this Blu-ray from going to the dogs so to speak. It’s not what I would call A/V demo quality but it’s good enough to watch on your living room high def TV. Once again Fox did not sent out a preview copy of the Blu-ray which is why this review is a bit late in coming. ***

Audio sounds extremely good with dialogue front and center. The surround speakers in the DTS-HD MA 5.1 are nicely used for ambience during many of the outdoor scenes. It’s nothing to write home about but then again this isn’t meant to be a knock-your-socks off type of Blu-ray.

Special Features:

We get three featurettes on the 22 dogs that play Marley at various stages of his life, their training and a weak gag reel (gag reels always seem to suffer in most comedies maybe it’s because the filmmakers are focusing on making a film with comic moments that they fail to engage. There’s a PHD just waiting to be earned based on this type of analysis for someone out there).

Final Words:

“Marley & Me” is an enjoyable bit of entertainment. It’s nothing earth shaking or shattering and doesn’t have the dramatic weight of “The Reader” or the satirical edge of “Little Miss Sunshine” but it really isn’t meant to have it. There isn’t all that much that is offensive in the film and it is diverting. It’s a solid bit of movie hokum that most folks will enjoy.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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