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“Morning Light"-{Blu-ray}
Taylor Carlson
Studio: Disney
Release Date:
Special Features:

Stories from the Sea, Making the Cut


Morning Light is directed by Mark Monroe. It is produced by Roy Disney, Leslie DeMeuse, and Morgan Sackett. The film was edited by Paul Crowder. The team followed in the film consists of Chris Branning, Graham Brant-Zawadzki, Chris Clark, Charlie Enright, Jesse Fielding, Robbie Kane, Steve Manson, Chris Schubert, Kate Theisen, Mark Towill, Genny Tulloch, Piet van Os, Chris Welch, Kit Will and Jeremy Wilmot. ***

Morning Light is a documentary from Disney that follows the exploits of youngest crew to compete in the Transpac – with all 15 crew members or varying experience being between 18 and 23 years of age at the time. The film follows the formation of the Morning Light sailing team, their training prior to the race, and of course, the race itself. ***

This is one of those movies I came into having no idea what to expect. I’m not a sailing fan (kind of hard to be when you’re like me and live hundreds of miles from the nearest ocean), and I mostly only watched the movie for review purposes. Well, I can safely say I was pleasantly surprised at the fin al product. ***

You know the creator of a documentary has succeeded when their documentary is one that will manage to entertain even those who aren’t a fan of the subject being focused on in the film. If you’re not a sailing fan, it’s no secret that Morning Light won’t change your mind. But for its nearly 100-minute duration, you’ll come to know and love the crew of this boat, and be cheering for them. This manages to be a solid documentary, and its content guarantees that it is one of those rare documentaries capable of finding a large audience – too bad it hasn’t really received any heavy sort of promotion. ***

Ultimately, Morning Light does what it sets out to do – and does it very well. It’s disappointing to see that this documentary, one that is appropriate for all ages and will interest nearly any moviegoer, hasn’t been promoted as heavily as it should be. That aside, Morning Light is a terrific documentary, and deserves a recommendation. ---

Image and Sound:

As a documentary, Morning Light was shot on-location, and its footage stems from numerous sources. As such, like most documentaries, the picture can be a bit uneven throughout. This is NOT the fault of Disney – any documentary will turn out like this, even in 1080p on a Blu-Ray. Still, that complaint aside, this doc looks just as good as it ever will. Everything is clear and fairly well-detailed. The lossless audio track isn’t the best one you’ll ever encounter, but that’s largely due to the atmospheric conditions under which the doc was filmed. Still, as far as documentaries go, the image and sound quality for Morning Light is well above average. ---

Special Features:

There are two bonus features on this Blu-Ray Disc. Stories from the Sea is a look behind-the-scenes at the filming of the movie, and what went during the recording of the documentary. Making the Cut was a special that aired on ESPN, showing the trials that our heroes had to go through in order to reach the finals of the contest the film revolves around.

Final Words:

Morning Light is a fantastic documentary. I came in here not knowing what to expect, and came out of it pleasantly surprised. This isn’t “best movie of the year” material, but it isn’t trying to be. It’s just a good, solid documentary with a great cast and crew. A solid Blu-Ray transfer only sweetens the deal. Recommended.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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