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"North By Northwest"- {Blu-ray}
Taylor Carlson
Studio: Warner Bros.
Release Date:
Special Features:

Documentary: The Master's Touch: Hitchcock's Signature Style, Documentary: North by Northwest: One for the Ages, Screenwriter commentary, Music only track, Cary Grant: A Class Apart [2003 TCM Documentary], Destination Hitchcock: The Making of North by Northwest hosted by Eva Marie Saint, Photo gallery, Trailer gallery


North By Northwest is directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The film stars Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint, James Mason, Leo G. Carroll and Martin Landau. It features a musical score by Hitchcock regular Bernard Herrmann and was originally released theatrically in 1959. ***

Roger O. Thornhill is your typical, everyday advertising executive. But things in his life take a turbulent turn when he is captured by a group of thugs who believe him to be a master spy. It isn’t long before he finds himself caught in a web of suspense, confusion, and mystery alike. On his unwilling journey he meets up with a beautiful woman who isn’t all that she seems, and looks death in the eye on countless occasions – including in the path of a biplane’s guns and on the edge of Mount Rushmore. It’s up to Thornhill to get himself out of this conspiracy alive and clear his good name. ***

Through directors are as iconic as the legendary Alfred Hitchcock. Given his nature as a master filmmaker, it comes as a surprise that none of his films had yet been released on the Blu-Ray format. Over 3 years after the format launched, we finally get one of his movies in HD – and it’s a damn good one. This is the first 1080p worldwide home video release of one his films (although there was a Region B Locked version of The 39 Steps a few months prior, which has been lambasted with negative reviews due to a poor transfer.) ***

North By Northwest is great because it’s the biggest, boldest, and arguably the all-around best film Hitchcock ever made. Everything we love about what he brought to film comes together here. We have a suspense-laden storyline, excellent characters that we actually care about the outcome of, beautiful cinematography, and some of the most memorable action sequences in cinema history – who could forget the classic “corn field” sequence or the gripping finale on the edge of Mount Rushmore? ***

As for the role of the leading man, no one could have played Mr. Thornhill better than Cary Grant. Grant is great at this role because he plays it real – he’s as timid and nervous as any real man whisked away into the movie’s events would be. He doesn’t “play it cool” at first, and as a result, his performance is all the more believable. Eva Marie Saint is equally impressive as the leading lady. The supporting cast is no less talented, including faces such as Martin Landau and James Mason. ***

I’m glad to finally see some Hitchcock reach the Blu-Ray format, and North By Northwest is a damn good first entry. Hopefully we’ll be seeing Psycho, The Birds, Vertigo, and Rear Window making their 1080p debuts in the near future. ---

Image and Sound:

This was one of my most eagerly-awaited titles on the Blu-Ray format. Warner Bros. has a reputation for giving their classic films excellent remastering jobs, so I was glad to discover it was them that now held the rights to this gem. And while I wouldn’t quite put this transfer up there with some of their other recent restoration jobs, it’s still damn good. Pretty much all of the dirt and damage on earlier issues of the film is nonexistent here. The colors are bright and vibrant and the detail level is better than normal for most films on Blu this vintage. I suspect some minor noise reduction was used on this transfer, but it’s not used to an obnoxious degree like on some other studios’ releases. Audio gets a lossless upgrade (Warner Bros. has began making this a standard practice in recent years) and it sounds fantastic, with loud sound effects and clear, easy-to-understand dialogue. Plus, Bernard Herrmann’s score has never sounded better. All in all this is another great effort from Warner.

Special Features:

Warner pulls out all the stops and gives us a TON of bonus material on this classic film. Two documentaries appear on the disc, as well as a screenwriter commentary track. A music-only audio track is included as well, showing off Mr. Herrmann’s superb musical score. A making-of documentary and a TCM Cary Grant documentary are absolute must-sees for any fan of the movie, as well. Rounding out the set are a photo gallery and a gallery of vintage trailers for the film. All in all this is an excellent supplement package.

Final Words:

After years of waiting we finally get a Hitchcock release on Blu-Ray – and it does not disappoint. A great Hitchcock movie, arguably his finest hour, remastered beautifully by the people at Warner. Plus the wealth of bonus documentaries and other features doesn’t hurt. This is an excellent package, and I can’t give it anything less than my highest recommendation.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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