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“Righteous Kill” (Blu-ray)
Wayne Klein
Studio: Anchor Bay Home Video
Release Date:
Special Features:

Commentary by director Jon Avnet, two featurettes ---


“Fried Green Tomatoes” this ain’t. “Righteous Kill” put together De Nior and Pacino for the first time since their brief scene together in Michael Mann’s “Heat”. The two Oscar winning actors have known each other for years and while they appeared in “The Godfather Part II” they never shared in any screen time in Coppola’s epic film. While fans can celebrate that these two appear together again fans would have hoped it would be in a better vehicle than “Righteous Kill” a mediocre police mystery where the two actors play jaded police detectives trying to track down a serial killer. The twist here is that the killer is probably a cop and is exacting justice against those who escaped the system. ---

Image & Sound:

The Blu-ray for “Righteous Kill” looks solid throughout with nice detail and crisp images. There is the stray shot that looks a bit soft at times but overall this is a solid technical presentation if not demo quality. The Surround mix could have been better only coming to life during action sequences for the film. ---

Special Features:

Aside from an intelligent and informative commentary from director Jon Avnet we only get two featurettes that range from very good to so-so. The first “The Thin Blue Line” focuses on the type of people attracted to police work and how those personality types intersect with criminal personality types. It also focuses on how the law is often bend or broken by police officers and what tempts them to do so. ***

The second is a standard making of featurette. It’s OK but doesn’t bring much to the table. ***

Where is the commentary from De Niro and Pacino? That would have been fascinating to listen to even if the duo just joked around for an hour and a half. ---

Final Words:

“Righteous Kill” has a fascinating premise and two top notch actors that do a solid enough job on screen. The main flaw of the film is a screenplay that becomes almost predictable. Avnet’s direction is solid enough as well bringing out the best in these two veteran actors.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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