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"The Rocker"
Wayne Klein
Studio: 20th Century Fox Home Video
Release Date:
Special Features:

Two commentary tracks with cast and crew


"The Rocker" offers us Rainn Wilson in a pale imitation of "School of Rock". "Fish" (Wilson) beats the drums for his band Vesuvius featuring his high school pals Lex (Will Arnett) and Trash (Bradley Cooper). When the band's management suggests replacing Fish for the son (Lonny Ross of "30 Rock") of a record executive the band hesitates all of 30 seconds before agreeing because it will get them the contract they want. 20 years later Fish finds himself still swimming upstream trying to hold a job and battling the memories of what was done to him forcing which breaks up his relationship with his girlfriend (Jane Krakowski). Forced to move in with his sister and jobless Fish is adrift until his nephew's band A.D.D. needs a drummer for their prom gig. Fish enjoys it so much that he convinces the rest of the band (Samantha Weinstein, Nick Spencer, Josh Gad) to keep him on IF he can land them a real gig. He delivers and they begin the rise of up the mountain of success only to find that Vesuvius still stands in Fish's way. Featuring a strong cast including Christina Applegate and Mark Forward among others, the film just doesn't gel. ***

A modestly enjoyable comedy, "The Rocker" would probably have made a bigger impact if "School of Rock" had never come out. Superficially resembling the "Rock", "The Rocker" never quite finds its own unique voice and plays almost like a wild "R" rated version of a Nickelodeon made-for-TV movie. Wilson does a solid job in his first starring role but the only material that is strong here are the songs written for the band A.D.D. to perform. Director Peter Cattaneo ("The Full Monty") does a nice job with what he given but the script is so predictable that he doesn't stand a chance. ---

Image & Sound:

Another lousy Fox screener this was full of digital artifacts that made watching this just a step above watching it on VHS. I haven't seen a screener that looks this bad since the last "X-Men" movie. Why can't Fox realize that sending out a screener DOESN'T decrease piracy, irritates the reviewers and makes it impossible to recommend a film (plus it actually costs them more to create these screeners and overnight them than it does to send out the finished product). ***

Audio sounds fine although I did note some distortion during the music sequences. ---

Special Features:

We get two commentary tracks one with Rainn Wilson and director Cattaneo and the other with the rest of the members of "the band" and Cattaneo.

Final Words:

An enjoyable but hardly essential film, I'd recommend renting "The Rocker" unless you're a huge Rainn Wilson fan. It has its moments but coming in the wake of "School of Rock" and the predictable script, "The Rocker" just didn't rock my world.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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