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(Klaus Schulze Featuring Lisa Gerrard) - "Rheingold: Live At The Loreley”
Wayne Klein
Studio: MVD
Music Concert
Release Date:
Special Features:

Documentary, 2 CDs (in four disc set only) of the entire performance, interview


(Klaus Schultz), of "Tangerine Dream" fame sounds like somebody sneezed. Seriously, one of the deans of electronic music has released a fascinating DVD featuring the eclectic but talented Lisa Gerrard providing vocal accompaniment on a number of tracks. This performance which was recorded back in July 2008 also features a second DVD as well as two CDs containing the entire concert plus a bonus track. ***

Gerrard best known as a member of Dead Can Dance provides a nice contrast to Schulze’s music which can border on the tedious at times if you’re not into this type of music. Visually the DVD is a bit static looking—don’t lend themselves to being the most visually dynamic instrument in the world. For synthesizers the record Schulze isn’t the most animated performer either but it is kind of hard to be animated (unless you’re Rick Wakeman or Thomas Dolby) sitting behind a bank of synthesizers. What we do get however is quite dreamy at times with interesting textures and moods. Unlike Dolby who has shaved his remaining hair from his head (by the way Thomas Dolby has a new DVD and CD out as well of live performances—evidently he’s decided to resume his music career to some degree after spending more than a decade establishing a successful company that provides music for games) and tends to be a very dynamic front man, Schulze prefers to led his music doing the talking if you’ll pardon a mixed metaphor. ***

Schulze’s music can be filled with moments of sweeping dramatic moments incorporating polyrhythmic beats and moments of calming ambient music. His only rival in this arena at this stage is Brian Eno who focuses primarily on washes of ambient sound vs. more dramatic moments we might associate with rock, jazz or classical music. With Eno focusing more on producing (although he still records the occasional gem such as his recent collaboration with long time friend David Bryne former of Talking Heads. I should add that it will be interesting to see what Eno brings to the recent collaboration with former band Roxy Music. Knowing Bryan Ferry’s fascination with ambient textures and trance-like beats, it should be…interesting) Schulze is probably one of the few worthy composers still working in his genre of music. ---

Image & Sound:

The concert looks quite nice with nice fine detail and a very colorful presentation (thanks to the stage lighting). Audio sounds terrific. ---

Special Features:

We get a second disc that provides us with an interesting documentary that focuses on Schulze’s career as well as an interview with the prolific composer. Of course you do get the two CD set as well but that is only in the special four disc edition.

Final Words:

Schulze appears on the stage again with a musically stunning if visually sedate DVD. Go for the four disc set as it has two CDs featuring the entire performance. You’ll find yourself listening the CDs far more often than watching the DVDs which look quite nice but don’t add a lot to the experience.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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