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"Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2" (Blu-ray)
Studio: Warner Bros.
Release Date:
November 18, 2008
Special Features:

Featurette, deleted scenes, gag reel


No one expected the first "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" movie to be a film that adults and teens/tweens would love, but it inexplicably was. Only not quite inexplicably, because the reasons were plenty: great script, great story, and, especially, that amazing cast. "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2" begs the question: Can the cast carry it if the rest of those things fail to live up? And the answer is an adamant "sort of." ***

Because, see, "Sisterhood 2" is a little less ... everything. Each girl's story is uneven and rushed in a way that the storylines in the first movie weren't. It also feels more than a little forced. And the biggest problem is that after watching this movie, you'll still have at least one question about each of the girls' story lines. That's not a problem a movie should leave you with -- especially this type of movie, that's geared at a youngish demographic. ***

The Blu-ray will help you out a little, though, for several reasons: First off, the additional scenes, introduced and explained by the film's director, Sanaa Hamri, might shed a little light into something you wondered about (believe me when I say, though, that they will not come close to answering ALL of your questions). ***

The best, and most superficial, thing the Blu-ray version will do for you, though, is entrance you with its (and the actors') beauty, so that you'll forget about all those other "issues." Script? Focused plot? Tied-up storylines? Who needs 'em?! No one if they can look at the likes of Alexis Bledel, Blake Lively, Amber Tamblyn, and America Ferrera in Blu-ray. They're all these lovely, flawless creatures. And their love interests are all equally as lovely. And have you seen the Greek Islands in Blu-ray? If not, what are you waiting for? Get thee to a video store and pick this movie up now. ***

The other thing the actors are good for is, of course, their chemistry and their acting. I'm referring here to our main four ladies, not to anyone else, because Shoreh Agdashloo has become virtually unwatchable to me with her scary voice and over-acting. No one in this movie is really special other than the four core ladies. There's a reason that they're some of the best TV actors of recent years: Despite their beauty, these are the girls you can so easily grow to love and want to become BFFs with -- you know, the type of friends who watch not-great-but-feel-good movies together, like this one. ---

Image & Sound:

The movie is beautiful and benefits greatly from high definition. Places like the Greek Isles and girls with flawless skin generally do. Sound is good, evenly balanced. ---

Special Features:

There isn't a whole lot here beyond the additional scenes with introductions from Hamri. There is also a gag reel (fun, but short), and a short, worthless "making-of" (hardly!) featurette about why they chose to take all the girls to Santorini this time around (in short: The three who aren't Alexis Bledel were jealous she got to go the first time). ---

Final Words:

A beautiful, if shallow, film with a bunch of scattered, meandering plot lines with gaping holes. But did we mention it's beautiful? Really: You will be won over by the loveliness of the people and Santorini, Greece. And, unfortunately, what it's lacking in plot isn't made up for in special features. You should expect more for the cost of a Blu-ray.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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