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“Superman II – The Richard Donner Cut- {Blu-ray}
Taylor Carlson
Studio: Warner Bros.
Release Date:
Special Features:

Commentary, intro, restoration featurette, deleted scenes


Superman II – The Richard Donner Cut is directed by Richard Donner (Lethal Weapon.) The film stars Christopher Reeve, Ned Beatty (Back to School), Marlon Brando (The Godfather), Jackie Cooper, Gene Hackman (The French Connection), Margot Kidder, Valerie Perrine, Terence Stamp (Star Wars Episode I) and Susannah York. The musical score is by John Williams (Star Wars series.) ***

Superman II stars right where its predecessor left off. Following the events of the first movie, the three exiled Kryptonians escape their imprisonment in the Phantom Zone. Once freed, they travel to Earth with every intention of conquering it – and criminal genius Lex Luthor has escaped from prison and joined forces with them! Meanwhile, Clark Kent/Superman finds himself falling more and more for Lois Line – so much so to the point that he considers giving up his powers to be with her. With a new threat on the horizon, our hero must choose between living life with the woman he loves or remaining the Earth’s protector – and it needs a hero now more than ever. ***

This review is most going to focus on my comments on the Richard Donner cut itself, rather than Superman II as a whole. I also won’t be delving into the whole story behind the Salkinds and Donner’s being fired – seeing as how there are a ton of different versions of this story and most of it is already well-known anyway. ***

My opinion of Superman II, be it the Donner or the original theatrical Lester cut, is very strong. This is, if you ask me, the best film in the entire Superman franchise.=2 0It is paced better than its predecessor, filled with more action and interesting situations, tougher villains, an interesting identity crisis for our hero, and, perhaps most importantly, it isn’t bogged down by having to tell an origin story. To put it bluntly I LOVE Superman II, in any shape or form. Even more than the original Superman, which is revered as a classic. ***

As for the Donner Cut, it’s a very mixed bag. As a general rule, Donner’s version removed all of Lester’s footage and replaces it with aborted footage that Donner had shot during the filming sessions of and immediately after the original film. Lester’s footage is only retained where it is needed and no Donner equivalent exists. Likewise, when Lester shot the film he reshot most of it, including footage Donner had already created in some shape or form. We’re never going to see the movie exactly as Donner wanted us to, but I can safely say this is about as close as we’re ever going to get. And believe it or not, it’s quite a different film! ***

As for key omissions and additions, there are quite a few. Most unnecessary comic relief scenes Lester shot are done away with. The entire opening Eiffel Tower scene from the Lester film has been aborted, as the prologue of the movie now implies that the missiles from the first movie free the villains from the Phantom Zone. The major addition to the movie comes in the form of new Marlon Brando footage (Brando didn’t appear AT ALL in the theatrical Superman II, siding with Richard Donner as many of the actors did.) ***

The problem with the Donner Cut is that, as I previously stated, is that it will never be perfect due to certain footage never being shot or certain footage being lost. Much of the footage use to compile the Donner Cut actually consists of screen test footage, and this tends to give the film an uneven appearance and even create some continuity problems. ***

As for my final verdict, I belie ve the Lester Cut feels like a more cohesive, completed film, while the Donner Cut had better ideas and footage/ideas/etc. Had the Donner Cut been shot from the beginning and Donner not been fired, it easily would have been the better movie. So what version is the better one is really a matter of taste. I like Superman II, period. Be it Lester’s or Donner’s. And there’s certainly enough here to appeal to any fan of the Man of Steel. ***

On a final note, this package ONLY includes the Donner Cut – the Lester Cut isn’t i ncluded in any shape or form, nor has it been released on Blu-Ray. To date the Donner Cut is the ONLY version of Superman II on the Blu-Ray format. ---

Image and Sound:

It’s pretty much impossible to write a cohesive review of the Blu-Ray of Superman II’s Donner Cut, since the footage is “thrown together” from various sources. This is a “Frankenstein’s Monster” of a movie that comes from so many different types of footage, from professionally-shot Donner footage to screen test footage. That said, the image quality is all over the place from start to finish. As a whole, most of the movie looks better than the first Superman did on Blu-Ray, but it’s really not a major jump over the standard-def counterpart. The sound is a similar story, featuring no lossless track. I was quick to criticize the Superman (first one) Blu-Ray for not being a big improvement over its earlier DVD release counterpart, but it’s not fair to give that same treatment to the Donner Cut of Superman II when you consider the differing nature of all the video content present. Still, there

Special Features:

A few features appear on the disc (the same assortment as the DVD.) A Donner commentary, an intro from Donner, a featurette on restoring the film and some deleted scenes that didn’t get reinserted into the movie all appear here. While it’s a fairly limited amount of features, there is no denying that anyone who is a fan of Superman will want to watch these.

Final Words:

The Donner Cut is more than a mere “director’s cut” – in many ways it’s like a whole different film. No Superman fan should hesitate to check this release out, but if you own the SD edition, you don’t really need to upgrade, as the Blu-Ray isn’t a massive improvement.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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