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“Transformers: Rise of the Fallen” {Blu-ray}-(Wayne)
Wayne Klein
Studio: Dreamworks/Paramount
Release Date:
Special Features:

Commentary by Director Michael Bay and Writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman/Feature length seven part documentary, featurettes, trailers, marketing material, BD-Live and Blu-ray exclusive content.


Michael Bay managed to do something the Decepticons and the Fallen couldn’t ; transform some cool toys and a cartoon series spinning it into one of the worst movies of the summer. “Fallen” perfectly describes what has happened to the standards of storytelling in Bay’s film and they weren’t that high to begin with.While I’ve always believed that Bay was a technically gifted director he can’t tell a story worth a darn without his razzle dazzle rapid fire ADHD approach to filmmaking. In short, Bay’s great at tearing through a paper bag but can’t tell us what was in it leaving a mess for the audience to deal with. ***

“Transformers: Rise of the Fallen” steals its best story elements from other well known and better told science fiction/fantasy/action-adventure flicks and fails to make those elements its own. Poorly written and realized “Transformers: Rise of the Fallen” would if not for its massive budget devoted primarily to visual effects (which are indeed quite dazzling but not in service of the story)have been a perfect third class movie on the Disney Channel, Nick or (gulp!) the idiotically named SyFy Channel. ***

When we last left Sam Witwicky (Shia LeBeouf) he and the Transformers had defeated the Decepticons , destroyed the Allspark the ultimate power that both were seeking and the U.S. government dumped the remains of Megatron in the Pacific Ocean trench the deepest place on Earth not even accessible via submarines. Optimus Prime and the Transformers now work with the U.S. government to help drive the surviving Decepticons away from Earth. Sam heads to college trying to keep his relationship with Mikeala, stay away from temptation from a girl at the college unaware that a sliver of the Allspark survived and has altered his consciousness. He’s also unaware that the Decepticons have resurrected Megatron and that the Fallen that Megatron serves plans on returning to Earth with their own insidious plans. ***

Aside from the introduction of a pair of annoying new characters that are a part of Optimus’ team, there are so many misfires that you will find yourself amazed when Bay’s film hits its target accurately. “Fallen” can’t even be considered a film that’s so bad that it’s good although it might be a guilty pleasure for someday. ---

Image & Sound:

One think I can say is that Michael Bay makes sure his brain farts look really, really good. “Transformers: Rise of the Fallen” has become the visual reference standard for Blu-ray. Clarity remains remarkably sharp and crystal clear throughout the presentation. This is probably the closest I’ve seen to a film-like presentation on home video to date. The images are smooth with a nice film like quality. Colors pop and black levels are brilliant throughout. ***

The audio is equally impressive with a 5.1 lossless soundtrack that is among the best I’ve heard. The soundstage is impressive with depth, detail and the most minor soundtrack detail sounding terrific ---

Special Features:

We get a second disc with the bulk of the copious extras included there. The only thing on the first disc is a commentary track featuring director Michael Bay along with screenwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman (who co-wrote “Star Trek” for J.J. Abrams and work on Abrams’ “Fringe”—where they’ve done some terrific work unfortunately by the time they started work on “Transformers: Rise of the Fallen” they were running on empty) discussing the making of the movie how they had to rush to finish the script before the writer’s strike. The writers focus more on the themes that drive the story (which are pretty darn thin) and discuss their reluctance initially to take on the project . They should have listened to that inner voice that said “don’t”. ***

“The Human Factor” is a feature length seven part documentary that covers everything from taking ideas from the mythology inherited from the cartoon series to character development. Other sections focus on the destruction of new York City landmarks and to the shooting locations around the world. ***

“A Day with Bay: Tokyo” features the director dealing with the hectic premiere in Japan. “25 Years of Transformers” focuses on the changes from the original design of the toys to the current line. ***

“NEST” is interactive allowing viewers to pick from a list of Transformers, learn about the history in the comics and TV series, look at the concept art and changes throughout pre-production to the designs. ***

“Deconstructing Visual Bayhem” gives us a bad pun that perhaps perfectly describes everything wrong with the film. You can watch pre-visualizations for the film used to help guide Bay during the shooting of the movie. ***

“Giant Effing Movie” takes us behind-the-scenes on the set. “Linkin Park-New Divide” is a music video tie in for the movie. “The Matrix of Marketing” has the trailers for the film, two still galleries as well as posters. ***

By putting the packaging in front of a webcam fans can unlock special online features. The set is BD-Live compatible. ---

Final Words:

A technically well made movie that is amazingly bad, “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” is flawed by a poorly written script, too much side business that doesn’t contribute to plot slowing down the momentum of the film. “Transformers” for all of its flaws was entertaining and diverting while “Revenge of the Fallen” is like watching a bad car wreck occur right in front of you; you can’t not watch but in retrospect you wish you hadn’t.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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