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“Universal Soldier"-{Bluray}
Taylor Carlson
Studio: Lionsgate
Release Date:
Special Features:

Trivia track, featurette, tale of two titans


Universal Soldier, originally released in 1992, is directed by Roland Emmerich (Independence Day) and stars Jean-Claude Van-Damme (Timecop) and Dolph Lundgren (Rocky IV.) ***

Universal Soldier follows ex-military soldiers who are called in to prevent a hostage situation at Hoover Dam, which has been taken over by terrorists, from becoming a disaster. Things are only made all the more complicated by reporters on the scene, adding more potential casualties to an already-dangerous situation. ***

This is one of those films that’s purely a “surface” movie – all flas h and little substance. Critics wrote this one off as a Terminator 2 rip-off, and while it isn’t hard to find the similarities, it does deserve more credit than that. The performances are good, and while the overall exec ution of the project is a bit over-the-top, there’s still plenty to enjoy. This was never meant to be a thinking man’s movie. ***

If you like action movies and you’re familiar with the kind of stuff Van-Damme usually gives his viewers, you’ll probably like Universal Soldier. The movie was popular enough to spawn a theatrical sequel as well as some made-for-TV ones, though none topped the original (not that that’s really saying much.) If you like you’re movies with plenty of action and the storyline playing second fiddle to the action, this will be the movie for you. ---

Image and Sound:

I’m quite impressed with the transfer Lionsgate manages to deliver here. There are no defects in the picture, and it’s always a bright, clean image. It’s possible that some digital noise reduction was used in creating this transfer, but the amount of detail in the image doesn’t appear to have been greatly compromised, so I’m not complaining. When done right, a DNR-based transfer can actually look pretty good, and if it was indeed used here, this is a good example of a movie that uses the technique well. Audio gets a boost up to lossless as well, so the action scenes will rock your speakers good – just don’t expect it to sound like a modern theatrical blockbuster.

Special Features:

Like the film itself, this disc lacks any real depth. There are hardly any features on the disc, apart from a trivia track, a behind-the-scenes featurette, and another featurette chronicling the careers of Lundgren and Van-Damme. I’m glad it’s not a bare-bones package, but I was expecting more.

Final Words:

Universal Soldier does exactly what it sets out to do – entertain its vie wers with action. And as far as surface-only movies go, it’s actually pretty entertaining. Blu-Ray player owners should definitely give this one a rental.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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