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“The Waterboy” (Blu-ray)
Wayne Klein
Studio: Touchstone
Release Date:
Special Features:



Adam Sandler comedies are an acquired taste. I suppose I’ve acquired a bit of a taste for his films as most of them have gotten better as time has gone on (either that or I’m terminally ill). That said, Sandler comedies seem to be the modern day descendants of Three Stooges comedies; they have universal appeal but you might not live in the universe where that appeal exists. ***

In “The Waterboy” Sandler plays a sad sack who has a gift. Bobby (Sandler) has worked as a waterboy for various football teams over the years. When he is fired by Red Beaulieu (Jerry Reed) he takes his talents to coach Klein (no relation-played by Henry Winkler)who sits atop one of the worst losing streaks in the league. Klein recognizes that Bobby has the makings of a great defensive tackle when he’s angry. So Klein tries to make Bobby very angry when possible and—surprise—Bobby who has more angry energy than the Hulk (minus the green skin) turns into a terrific and inspirational player. ***

Sandler’s comedies rely on the same “underdog” formula and win or lose based on the comedy bits in the film. Unfortunately, “The Waterboy” lacks inspiration even for an Adam Sandler film. Sandler co-producer and co-wrote this mess of a movie and even with a strong supporting cast that includes Kathy Bates as his mom, he misses every opportunity to throw a touch down pass with this mess of a movie. ---

Image & Sound:

Overall “The Waterboy” appears in a solid if unspectacular transfer. Colors and flesh tones are accurate throughout the film. Image quality varies from extremely sharp and crisp to dull and flat. Blacks are solid for the most part throughout although there is a loss of fine detail in some scenes particularly the day time sequences set outdoors. ***

Audio is solid throughout but don’t expect this film to give your system a workout; like most comedies it is dialogue driven and that doesn’t lend itself to a complete surround experience.

Special Features:

Surprisingly there are no special features for the film.

Final Words:

Is “The Waterboy” worthwhile to pick up on Blu-ray? That depends on how much of a fan of Sandler’s you are and whether or not you feel is this a seminal Sandler film. It’s probably the weakest of his comedies without an inspired bits to make it worthwhile. I’d recommend a rental to Sandler fans and recommend avoiding this to the rest of the world.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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