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“Wayne’s World" (2)- {Bluray}
Taylor Carlson
Studio: Paramount
Release Date:
Special Features:

Commentary, Extreme Close-Up


Wayne’s World 2 is directed by Stephen Surjik (The Kids in the Hall.) The film stars Mike Myers (Austin Powers), Dana Carvey (This Is Spinal Tap), Tia Carrere (Jury Duty), Ed O’Neill (Married With Children), Charlton Heston (Planet of the Apes (1968)), Drew Barrymore (Batman Forever), Kim Basinger (Batman (1989)), Aerosmith, and Christopher Walken (The Deer Hunter.) The film, like the first, is based on the classic series of Saturday Night Live sketches of the same name, also starring Myers. ***

Wayne Campbell (Myers) and Garth Elgar (Carvey) are up to their old tricks again. This time around, Wayne (still living in his parents’ basement) is on a mission from the rock gods – put together a concert in his hometown, and bring the hottest band in the land – Aerosmith. Alas, not all as well in Aurora. Cassandra (Carrer e), Wayne’s rock star girlfriend from the previous film, wants to expand her career. And the record industry man who can help her (Walken) is determined to make her his own. It’s up to Wayne to not only organize the greatest concert that ever was, but also to save his love life. ***

Wayne’s World was an instant classic that needed no sequel. But since the original was such a surprise hit, it’s no surprise they went ahead and made one. The end result is, to put it bluntly, a mistake. A film that should never have been made. ***

Wayne’s World (the first one) was great because the jokes kept flying at you – and about ninety percent of them stuck. This film keeps the jokes coming, but they just fall flat. The movie attempts to continue the film/genre20spoofing the first movie did, but this time around it’s done in excess, and what is spoofed is done weakly. The cameos from big-name stars, including the late Charlton Heston, are fun, but there’s just not that much here that’s funny. Several scenes of the film feature an old roadie telling several stories about how he got bands to play – but it’s always the same story. And it wasn’t funny the first time – so why the hell would it be funny each subsequent time? There are a few little scenes where the movie makes fun of (supposedly) being on a low budget, and I will admit, those made me laugh. Too bad not much else did. ***

As if the jokes falling flat wasn’t bad enough, the plot sucks. Most of the movie is the whole “rich successful guy trying to steal Cassandra from Wayne” thing. We saw this in the first movie, remember? Though I won’t argue that Christopher Walken does play the sleazy record promoter well. Another big problem is that Garth is mostl y “on the sidelines” for the entire film, being forced to participate in uninteresting romantic subplots. ***

File Wayne’s World 2 on that lengthy list of “sequels that should never have been made.” This is more a rehash than a sequel, and everything the first movie did, this one does to a far worse extent. Only die-hard fans of the films and sketches will want to get the second on Blu-Ray. ---

Image and Sound:

You’ll laugh again ! You’ll cry again! You’ll hurl again! And this time around, you’ll be doing all three in 1080p and TrueHD! The transfer here is a bit underwhelming, but this was never really much of a “visual” movie. This transfer is a slight step up in detail from earlier DVD incarnations of the movie (and it definitely works a little better than the first film’s Blu transfer), but like the first film it’s not a massive improvement over them. Where the disc really shines, though, is its TrueHD audio track, which really gets a chance to shine in loud scenes, and features improved clarity over earlier DVD counterparts (and it too outclasses the first movie.) However, if you own the older DVD, there’s really not much of a reason to upgrade. This is a good-looking and sounding disc, but it’s not that much of an improvement over an upconverted DVD.

Special Features:

There are no new special features here, just stuff ported over from the previous DVD release. First up is a director commentary track. No fan of the movie will be disappointed in this commentary, but you’ll wish the film’s stars were on board as well. you’ll wish Myers and Carvey had been on board. Like the first film, this one has an “extreme close-up” making-of featurette as well. Sadly, no new features, and the one stand-alone feature on here is not in HD. ---

Final Words:

It’s Wayne’s World! Wayne’s World! But unlike the original, it’s not all party time and excellent. This is a stale sequel, and it does more of the same to a lesser extent. This time around the jokes are more hit and miss (and the misses greater in number), and the plot feels rehashed. There are moments of greatness, but as a whole this is a weak film, and only die-hards will want to invest in this Blu-Ray – unless they already have the DVD (which they certainly do.)


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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