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“Without A Paddle" - (Nature’s Calling) - {Blu-ray}
Taylor Carlson
Studio: Paramount
Release Date:
Special Features:

3 featurettes, gag reel, deleted scenes


Without A Paddle: Nature’s Calling is directed by Ellory Elkayem. The film stars Jerry Rice and Kristopher Turner. This is a direct-to-video release, and is a sequel to the 2004 theatrical release Without A Paddle. ***

Without A Paddle: Nature’s calling follows the lives of a group of young working-class men. They immediately take a liking to the attractive school activist, and hatch a plan to go after her, which entails them following her into the wild. What ensues is an onslaught of pain and physical comedy. ***

The original Without A Paddle was a weak film in its own right. It had a few redeeming qualities to its name, however, including its leading men, amongst whom was the always-funny Seth Green. It was one of those movies that placed too much of a reliance on physical, slapstick humor and less on being an intelligent comedy that had a heart. The sequel not only suffers from all these same problems, but it has=2 0NO big-name funny stars at the helm, and it tries to go even more over-the-top than its predecessor. ***

Typically, when I’m reviewing a movie, I break it down between what the film does and what it could have done better – a “pros and cons” scenario, if you will. Unfortunately, Nature’s Calling is one of those utter disasters that has no redeeming qualities. Laden with slapstick humor and one-dimensional characters you just won’t give a damn about throughout, it’s even weaker than its predecessor – and that’s saying a lot when the first movie, in its own right, was panned by the critics. For a comedy to succeed it needs to have a heart. The characters here may be without a paddle, but the river that is this film is so shallow they won’t be needing one anyway. ---

Image and Sound:

Surprisingly, this package is a nice improvement over the DVD. The DVD version of the movie had a “flat” look and feel to it, but this 1080p transfer gives it some much-needed depth and life. The black levels are hit and miss and the image a bit soft at times, but as a whole it definitely surpasses its earlier DVD counterpart. Lossless audio is a nice upgrade as well, giving atmosphere to the exotic settings and everything that happens to our heroes. ---

Special Features:

The same features we got in the DVD version are included here. These include three behind-the-scenes featurettes, deleted scenes that didn’t make it into the final film, and a gag reel. ---

Final Words:

Don’t bother. This is a weak film that never accomplishes anything, including making this viewer laugh. File this one under “skip it.”


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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