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"Wrestling Ernest Hemingway"
Taylor Carlson
Studio: Warner (Archive)
Release Date:
Special Features:



Randa Haines directs Wrestling Ernest Hemingway. The film stars Robert Duvall, Richard Harris, Shirley MacLaine, Sandra Bullock, Micole Mercurio, Marty Belafsky, Harold Bergman, and Piper Laurie. ***

Two elderly men who are polar opposites reluctantly become friends. One is a retired sea man, and the other a reclusive barber. They hit off a solid friendship, but when one harasses the other’s female friend, their relationship is shattered and the two must then re-evaluate one another, and determine if they are meant to be friends or not. ***

Wrestling Ernest Hemingway is that underrated drama film that does just about everything right and serves as an excellent form of entertainment – yet somehow it slid under a lot of people’s radars. And that’s a damn shame, because this is an excellent film that deserves a larger reputation than it has. ***

While I admit there are a few moments in the film that feel a bit clichéd, the two leading men make this movie their own. Robert Duvall is one of the greatest actors of all time, and here he masters another role effortlessly. Of course, Duvall is not to be outstaged by Richard Harris, who brings Duvall’s polar opposite to life. The supporting cast, which includes Shirley MacLaine, Sandra Bullock and Piper Laurie, is equally impressive. The movie may have faded into obscurity, but it shouldn’t have. Any fan of drama films that are both touching and comical alike would be doing themselves a real favor to check out the film. ---

Image and Sound:

This is a pretty basic looking back-catalogue transfer. It’s clear it didn8 0t go through any major restoration effort, and there is some dirt and print damage here and there. But for the most part the picture looks pretty sharp throughout. Audio quality is fine, being front-heavy being that this is a dialogue-intensive drama.

Special Features:

Disappointingly, there are no features on the disc.

Final Words:

This is a fantastic movie that deserves a larger, better reputation. I only wish Warner had taken the time to do a better restoration effort and put some features on the disc. Despite this, though, the movie is excellent. And for that reason I have to recommend it.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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