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“Zatoichi”- {Blu-ray}
Taylor Carlson
Studio: Buena Vista
Release Date:
Special Features:

Documentary, interviews


Zatoichi is directed by Takeshi Kitano. The film stars Beat Takeshi, Tadanobu Asano, Michiyo Okusu, Yui Natsukawa, Guadalcanal Taka, Daigiro Tachibana, Yuko Daike, Ittoku Kishibe, Saburo Ishikura, and Akira Emoto. ***

The plot of Zatoichi revolves around the title character, a blind swordsman. Townspeople have been caught in the crossfire of a gang war - and he has arrived to save them from being conned into paying insanely-high amounts of protection money. It's up to the blind swordsman to put an end to this ongoing conflict and its negative effects on the innocent bystanders. ***

The plot of Zatoichi is nothing new, but the real reason to give the film a viewing is for its unparalleled level of martial arts action and stylized violence. This film isn't the kind that's going to become critically-acclaimed or win any major film awards, but it was never meant to be that kind of movie. ***

Still, Zatoichi scores major points in many areas. Beautifully filmed and featuring some spectacular battle scenes, it's total eye candy for its 2 hour duration. Even the villain manages to get more depth than most bad guys do in this sort of movie. If I have one complaint, it's that the film tends to stray from focusing on Zatoichi himself one too many times. Yes, these supporting characters are interesting, but it simply isn't their movie. But the good outweighs the bad. Zatoichi is Oriental martial arts filmmaking the way it was meant to be enjoyed. ---

Image And Sound:

While is a good-looking transfer, it's another victim of being overprocessed. Noise reduction and edge enhancement have once again been employed. It's a step up from earlier versions of the movie, but how hard is it for the film companies to deliver faithful catalogue masters? Like the other Ultimate Force of Four films in the collection, this one (disappointingly) only features lossless audio for its English dub track. Why are the native language tracks getting the shaft?

Special Features:

Only two featurettes on the disc, though they are both interesting and well worth your time. Interviews with the cast as well as a behind-the-scenes doc are contained on the disc. You'll probably be left wanting more material, but these are definitely worthwhile featurettes.

Final Words:

Zatoichi is well worth checking out, I just wish it didn't suffer from an overprocessed transfer. Still, it's more than watchable and the two bonus featurettes will be a great interest to any fan of the movie.


Copyright @ Teakwood Productions 2000
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